October 04, 2017
Healthy and strong bones are a vital part of a healthy human body and overall well-being; they allow us to reduce the risk of breakages and fractures as we get older and to avoid osteoporosis. We are all aware that dairy products are a good source of calcium, the mineral that is the most important for healthy bones. So, all we need is to drink milk and eat cheese, right? Unfortunately, foods that are rich in calcium aren't enough; the bigger picture of the health of our bones includes many more nutrients. For that reason, Earth Wisdom decided to share with you 7 amazing and surprising non-dairy foods that will keep your bones strong and healthy!
Surprisingly or not, these fish are incredibly healthy for our bones. Not only do fish contain omega-3 fats that keep our cardiovascular system at bay, but they are also rich in vitamin D, a nutrient that's vital for building correctly formed, strong bones. If you aren't getting enough vitamin D from sunlight, eat sardines, one of the rare foods containing vitamin D. Eat the soft, tiny bones too, since they are, obviously, rich in calcium. Salmon is a great food choice for healthier and stronger bones too.
If you're looking for a non-dairy source of calcium, look no further; eggs are very rich in calcium. Plus, they contain vitamin D (not enough to cover your daily needs, though, but still more than almost any other foods). Make sure you eat the yolk of the egg, because that's where most of minerals and vitamins are.
Tiny, yet powerful, nuts are rich in essential vitamins, healthy fats and minerals. Expectedly, they are great for the bone health too. Magnesium is the mineral responsible for the bone strengthening and almonds contain a lot of it. Pistachios are not only tasty and delicious, but they are an amazing source of vitamin B5, potassium and, above mentioned, magnesium. Vitamin B6 is responsible for regulating the levels of a compound that contributes to weak bones, homocysteine, whereas potassium has a crucial role in maintaining good density of bones.
When it comes to green vegetables, the darker the better! Collard greens, kale, Chinese cabbage and turnip greens are one of the best non-dairy sources of calcium. When it comes to spinach, it contains calcium too, but it's rich in oxalic acid, the substance that makes our bodies unable to absorb the calcium from spinach. Steaming, boiling or lightly cooking spinach are the ways to reduce the levels of oxalic acid, though.
It's one of the most common foods in Asian cuisine, because of its flavor and nutritional benefits. Tofu is made of soya beans, another great source of calcium. Along with high protein content, tofu is rich in minerals, such as phosphorous, selenium, iron and manganese. Isoflavones, compounds that are plentiful in soy beans, soy milk and tofu, make these foods helpful in reducing the risk of bone diseases after menopause.
You may like them or not, but dried plums or prunes are unexpectedly healthy food for your bones, especially if you're a post-menopausal woman. The reason why prunes are so beneficial for the bones is the presence of polyphenols, a type of antioxidants, which are found helpful in slowing down the rate of bone loss associated with aging. Additionally, dried plums contain vitamin K, which can also reduce the bone loss.
Vitamin C is essential for building collagen, a vital component of bones that slowly deteriorates as we get older. Therefore, if you want your bones to stay healthy, make sure you eat foods rich in vitamin C. One of these foods is surely red grapefruit, as well as other citrus fruits which are great sources of vitamin C.
If, for whatever reason, milk and dairy products are not included in your diet, there's obviously still a chance to keep your bones healthy and strong. Just eat above mentioned foods and you'll boost your bone health!
In conclusion, maintaining strong and healthy bones is essential for overall health and quality of life. While dairy products are often touted as the go-to source of calcium for bone health, there are many non-dairy alternatives that can provide the same benefits.
Plant-based sources of calcium such as leafy greens, fortified plant milks, tofu, nuts, and seeds can help meet daily calcium requirements without relying on dairy. Additionally, these foods often contain other essential nutrients for bone health such as magnesium, vitamin K, and vitamin D.
It's important to note that while non-dairy sources of calcium can be beneficial for bone health, they may not be enough on their own. A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, along with regular exercise and exposure to sunlight, is key for optimal bone health.
Incorporating non-dairy sources of calcium into your diet can also have other health benefits. Plant-based diets have been linked to lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
In summary, there are many non-dairy foods that can support strong and healthy bones. A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods is important for overall health, and choosing non-dairy sources of calcium can have additional benefits beyond bone health.
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